The Lost Kadara Kingdom (The Mountain Tribes) 

Today I like us to take a look at a long known yet forgotten most powerful kingdom in the African – Indian region that ended early 1900s.kadara women dancing during festival 

The term Kadara, Kadar or Karela well known to so many as its relates to untraceable historical background. We made an attempt to relate some of them with the long lost Kingdoms of the Kadara of the African origin known by some “the mountains tribes.”

Although, since we are still on the process of establishing facts, let’s examine this letter (Reflection of a pioneer) page page 55 to the then Colonial Governor to Nigeria by W. R. S. MILLER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P
C.M.SMissiotraty in Northlrn Nigeria, 190o-~5 

There was a powerful pagan tribe called Kadara, living to the south of the Kaduna River, and close to Girku. These people had not only kept their Independence, but had been a terror to Hausa and Fulani alike. They were much like the highland Scots cattle lifters of olden days, and their relations with their Fulani and Rausa neighbours were reminiscent of the Border raider-s.

Citation on Kadara Tribe

During our :first week in Girku in May, 1900, a company of these Pagans sallied out from Rimau, their strongest fortified town (having a wall of about four miles in circumference), and lifted several hundred head of cattle  fro~ wandering Fulani herdsmen in the vicinity. The latter took their complaint to the commandant of the expedition of reconnaissance which was at the time in Girku, and were backed by a deputation of people from Girku, including their chief, who saw the opportunity of getting rid for ever of this thoro in their side, the truculent, raiding Kadara of Rimau.

I liked these people of Rimau and most of the Kadaras, and later on had many faithful friends among them. An ultimatum was sent to their chiefs – twenty-four hours in  which to give back the cattle. Clearly this was impossible, for a large number of the fattest had already been eaten, and there was no disposition to give up the rest.

And anyhow, who were these few white people who made such an unusual and preposterous demand ? An insolent “No” was sent back. The next day the town was attacked by a force of trained Hausa troops, with rifles and one or two Maxim guns. Six hours’ :fighting followed, and a plucky resistance was put up by almost naked men and boys with bows and arrows and spears against arms of precision. It was amassacre, and also a travesty of justice.

Colonel Lowry Cole was wounded by a poisoned arrow, but his life was saved by the doctor. The walls of the town were ordered to be demolished, the gates destroyed, and this plucky little people, who had upheld their liberty so long and done some freebooting into the bargain against the usually conquering Fulani, was left at the mercy of its old foe.

The troops had shortly afterwards to return to the coast, and to us who remained after they had gone it was a tragedy to see the vindictiveness and cruelty with which the rulers from Zaria and Girku treated the people who had once been their terror. Many were made slaves ; heavy taxes were mulcted from the rest ; and a proud pagan people were made to feel the iron go into their souls.

Pathetically they never blamed the English, only their old enemies ; and they have been a peaceful tribe since more settled rule was established in later years.

Reference citations links
W. R. S. MILLER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P
C.M.SMissiotraty in Northlrn Nigeria, 190o-~5

Laii!J Director of Education, Nigeria 

Made and Printed in Great Britain 
By The Camelot Press Ltd 
London and Southampton

The Adara People of Southern Kaduna: Beautiful People, Beautiful Culture by Linda Musa

One thought on “The Lost Kadara Kingdom (The Mountain Tribes) 

  1. True and there's more we need to know about it… There's so so much happening out there about kadara kingdom and war mostly games, movies, novels etc but no one seems to understand their origins as they are tagged fictions.

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